How to enable SNMP on a VMware ESXi hypervisor & vCenter appliance
SNMP can be fully configured on an ESXi hypervisor through the ESX CLI. The commands vary between different versions of ESXi.
How to enable SNMP on ESXi 5.0
- You will need access to the vSphere CLI. If you don’t have the vSphere CLI installed, download it from the VMware support website.
- Execute the following commands. Replace YOUR_STRING with your desired community string. your_username and your_password correspond to your vSphere username and password, respectively.
# --server hostname --username your_username --password your_password -c YOUR_STRING
# --server hostname --username your_username --password your_password -p 161
# --server hostname --username your_username --password your_password --enable
How to enable SNMP on ESXi 5.5
- SSH / Telnet to your ESXi node using root-level credentials.
- Execute the following commands. Replace YOUR_STRING with your desired community string.
# esxcli system snmp set --communities YOUR_STRING
# esxcli system snmp set --enable true
# esxcli network firewall ruleset set --ruleset-id snmp --allowed-all true
# esxcli network firewall ruleset set --ruleset-id snmp --enabled true
# /etc/init.d/snmpd restart
How to enable SNMP on ESXi 6.x
- SSH / Telnet to your ESXi node using root-level credentials.
- Execute the following commands. Replace YOUR_STRING with your desired community string.
# esxcli system snmp set -r
# esxcli system snmp set -c YOUR_STRING
# esxcli system snmp set -p 161
# esxcli system snmp set -L "City, State, Country"
# esxcli system snmp set -C
# esxcli system snmp set -e yes
# esxcli network firewall ruleset set --ruleset-id snmp --allowed-all true
# esxcli network firewall ruleset set --ruleset-id snmp --enabled true
# /etc/init.d/snmpd restart
# esxcli system snmp set --enable true
# esxcli system snmp get
How to enable SNMP on vCenter 6.x
- SSH / Telnet to your vCenter node using root-level credentials.
- Execute the following commands. Replace YOUR_STRING with your desired community string.
# snmp.set --communities YOUR_STRING,ANOTHER_STRING
# snmp.set --syslocation YOUR_LOCATION
# snmp.set --syscontact
# snmp.enable
# snmp.get
# shell
# service snmpd restart
# exit